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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dhammapada a practical guide to right living.

8. Just as a storm

cannot prevail against a rocky mountian,

so Mara can never overpowered

the man who lives meditating

on the impurities, who is controlled

in his senses, moderate in eating,

and filled with faith and earnest effort.


9. Whoever being depraved,

devoid of self-control

and truthfulness

should don the monk's yellow robe,

he surely is not worthy of the robe.


10. But whoever is purged of depravity,

well-established in virtues

and filled with self-control

and truthfulness,

he ineeded is worthy of the yellow robe.


11. Those wh0 mistake

the unessential to be essential

and the essential to be unessential,

dwelling in wrong thoughts,

never arrive at the essential.


12. Those who know

the essential to be essential

and the unessential to be unessential,

dwelling in right thoughts,

do arrive at the essential.


13. Just as rain

breaks throught

an ill-thatched house,

so passion penetrates

and undeveloped mind.


14. Just as rain

does not break through

a well-thatched house,

so passion never penetrates

a well-developed mind.

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