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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dhammapada a practical guide to right living.

15. The evil-doer
grieves in both the worlds
He laments and is afflicated,
recollecting his own inpure deeds.
16. The doer of good
rejoices here and hereafter;
he rejoices in both the worlds.
He rejoices and exults,
recollecting his own pure deeds.
17. The evil-doer
suffers here and hereafter;
he suffers in both the worlds.
The thuoght,"Evil have I done,"
torments him, and he suffers
even more when gone to realms of woe.
18. The doer of good
delights here and hereafter;
he delights in both the worlds.
The thought, "Good have I done,"
delights him, and he delights
even more when gone to realms of bliss.
19. Much thought he recites
the sacred texts,
but acts not accordingly,
that heedless man
is like a cowherd
who only counts the cows of others-
he does not partake
of the blessing of a holy life.
20. Little though
he recites the sacred texts,
but puts the teaching
into practice,
forsaking lust, hatred and delusion,
with true wisdom
and emancipated mind
clinging to nothing
of this or any other world-
he ineeded partakes
of the blessing of a holy life.
21. Heedfulness is the path to Deathless.
Heddfulness is the path to death.
The heedful die not.
The heedful are as if dead already.

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