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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dhammapada a practical guide to right living.

22. Clearly understanding
this excellence of heedfulness,
this wise exult therein and enjoy the resort
of the Noble Ones.

23. The wise ones, ever meditative
and steadfastly persevering,
alone experience Nibbana,
the incomparable freedom
from bondage.

24. Ever grows the glory of him
who is energetic, mindful
and pure in conduct,
discerning and self-controlled,
righteous and heedful.

25. By effort and heedfulness,
discipline and self-mastery,
let the wise one make for himself
an island which no flood can overwhel.
26. The foolish and ingnorant
indulge in heedlissness,
but the wise one keeps his heedfulness,
as his best treasure.
27. Do not give way to heedfulness.
Do not indulge in sensual pleasure.
Only the heedful and meditative
attain great happiness.
28. Just as one upon summit
of a mountain
beholds the grounding,
even so when the wise man
casts away heedfulness
by heedfulness
and ascends
the high tower of wisdom,
this sorrowless sage beholds
the sorrowing and foolish

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