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Monday, November 9, 2009

Dhammapada a practical guide to right living.

29. Heedful among the heedless,
wide-awake among the sleepy,
the wise man advances
like a swift horse
leaving behide a weak jade.
30. By heedfulness did Indra*
become the overlord of the gods.
Heedfulness is ever praised,
and heedfulness ever despised.
*Ruler of the gods in ancient Indian Mythology.
31. The monks who delights
in heedfulness
and looks with fear at heedfulness
advances like fire,
burning all fetter small and large.
32. The monk who delights
in heedfulness
and looks with fear at heedlessness
will not fall.
He is close to Nibbana.
33. Just as a fletcher straightens
an arrow shaft,
even so the discerning man
strightens his mind -
so fickle and unsteady,
so diffcult to guard and control.
34. As a fish when pulled out of water
and cast on land
throbs and quivers,
even so is this mind agitated.
Hence should one abandon
the realm of Mara.
35. Wonderful, indeed
it is to subdue th mind,
so diffrent to subdue, ever swift,
and seizing whatever it desires.
A tames mind brings happiness.

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